Mrs Julie Wood

Governing Body

Individual Governor Profile

Type of Governor: Co-opted & Safeguarding Governor

Link Governor role:  Safeguarding including prevent, attendance and pupil mental health and wellbeing

Reasons for becoming a Governor:

As someone who has lived in this village for a long time and whose son had the pleasure of attending the delightful school, I would like to offer my time and interest in helping the school.  

Background info: 

I have been in teaching for 35 years this year and have had extensive experience in pastoral care and safeguarding in particular. I have been fortunate to teach in four secondary schools in the Midlands and have seen education change quite dramatically over this time. I have seen two schools go through the process of MAT/ CAT and have seen the pros and cons of these changes. 

Additional info: 

My passion has always been for children to feel safe in school, as well as their family and community, recognising the fact that if they feel safe they can enjoy learning, be able to learn and thereby thrive. By working as a Governor I feel  I could offer not only experience and passion for education but also insight into progression and also challenge where challenge is needed.  

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