Mr Oliver Crooks
Governing Body
Individual Governor Profile
Type of Governor: Co-opted Governor
Reasons for becoming a Governor:
I have many fond memories of my time at Richard Clarke firstly as a pupil, I then enjoyed working at the school as a member of staff. Now as a parent, I am passionate about supporting the school to continue to be an integral part of the community, whilst driving standards of the young people of Abbots Bromley and surrounding areas. I believe having worked in a variety of roles in primary and first school settings, I can add value to the governing board and therefore have a positive impact on the pupils and their time at Richard Clarke.
Subject link: PSHEe and Behaviour
Background Information:
I have held a variety of roles in both primary and first school settings, this has allowed me to see all aspects of the working school day. From classroom-based roles as a HLTA with many years as a PE Coordinator. Pastoral roles supporting both pupils and parents’ welfare, whilst being on the senior leadership team and managing behaviour. I have also had experience of managing staff and developing staff through running CPD and staff training.
Additional Information:
I now run my own sports coaching company, delivering a range of sessions across schools and communities of East Staffordshire.
When I am not working, I volunteer with the junior football club in the village. I manage the u7s whilst training the development group and u8 teams.